Photography Packages
From $1100* +GST
2.5 hours of photography
4 hours (half day) of photography
6 - 8 hours of photography
Let’s create an image library that makes sharing yourself and your brand easy and stress-free. I like to spend time getting to know you and your business to understand what kind of photography will best serve you and your audience.
Sometimes that’s documentary style behind-the-scenes imagery, while other times it’s styled and purposeful. Ultimately, and most importantly, it’s totally unique to you and your brand and it specifically designed to work for your business, bringing you more of your dream clients and purposefully connecting you to them.
Thoughtful, purposeful and beautiful. Brand photography that works for you.
All packages include:
planning concepts meeting or phone call
post production photography editing
private online gallery of downloadable images
*Custom quotes available for smaller or larger projects. For repeat ongoing clients I offer a one hour shoot to keep your imagery fresh and relevant